Category Education

Harnessing Vacant Sapces to Revolutionize Digital Education

Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) can transform vacant properties into community micro-schools, revolutionizing digital education. Teach to Earn helps NRIs equip these spaces with PCs, providing children access to online resources. This initiative bridges educational gaps, empowers future generations, and strengthens NRI ties to their hometowns. Join us in shaping India's digital future by starting a community micro-school

A New Way to Learn, Grow, and Thrive

Have you ever felt like education is supposed to open doors, but instead, it feels like you're stuck in a maze? That's the reality many face, even after earning degrees. But there's a beacon of hope shining brightly through the gloom: Teach to Earn. Imagine education not as a race but as a journey where you discover new things about yourself and the world around you. That's the heart of Teach to Earn's message. With 50 centers spread across the country, including places others often forget, like remote villages and tribal areas, Teach to Earn is rewriting the script on what education can be.

From Moms to Senior Citizens: Building Community Microschools and Revolutionizing Education

Are you an educated mom with a treasure trove of knowledge sitting unused? Are you a retired senior citizen full of experience, eager to nurture young minds? Do you ever wonder if your talents could benefit your community instead of lying dormant at home? Teach to Earn is here to tell you YES! Your passion for learning and teaching can transform education and earn you a fulfilling income. Join the movement of community-based digital learning centres—microschools powered by you!

The Shackles of Traditional Education: A Call for Change

In a thought-provoking video by our founder, Dr. Aniruddha Malpani, the harsh reality of the education system is laid bare. From the moment we step into a classroom, we're bombarded with directives on how to behave, what to study, and how to conform. But amidst this seemingly structured environment lies a subtle imprisonment—one that stifles creativity, autonomy, and critical thinking.